by FFESAdmin | Nov 10, 2015 | Strategy Tips, Women Entrepreneurship
Pricing Your Services – What NOT to Do by Marina Darlow Pricing your services is tricky. It has to be rooted in market research, it touches on your branding, it ties into issues of self-worth, and we just began to scratch the surface. There is a whole host of...
by FFESAdmin | Nov 4, 2015 | Strategy Tips, Women Entrepreneurship
Don’t Let the Big Overwhelm Swallow You Up When you are starting a business, during that difficult first year, the Big Overwhelm lurks nearby. What are the signs of the Overwhelm: complete exhaustion, fear of failure, disorganization, cash flow problems, or lack...
by FFESAdmin | Sep 28, 2015 | Blog, Strategy Tips, Women Entrepreneurship
Guest Post by Jo-Ann Hamilton, Founder of Secret Birds (UK) and a Fabulous Fempreneurship mentor One Bird, Two Wings Every bird has two wings, but unfortunately, some birds are flying around with a bruised, crippled or...
by FFESAdmin | Sep 10, 2015 | Social Media, Strategy Tips
Pivoting Your Business For Success For popular indie band Walk off the Earth (W.O.T.E.), the time to pivot was 2012. According to Marketing Magazine, early that year Walk Off The Earth was $60,000 in debt. The band had been around for several years, often...
by FFESAdmin | Sep 6, 2015 | Strategy Tips
5 Tips – Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals When setting goals, if we choose S.M.A.R.T goals, they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time based. This means the goals are very clear and easily understood. Both in our personal lives and business career, it...
by FFESAdmin | Sep 6, 2015 | Strategy Tips
Yes, Entrepreneurial Education is as Close as Your Computer Can Entrepreneurship be taught? Yes, there are many courses you can take to get an entrepreneurial education. Have you every heard of a MOOC? This is short for “Massive Open Online Course”....