Entrepreneurship and Creativity

Entrepreneurship and Creativity

Kassandra Gordon talks about entrepreneurship and creativity in this week’s podcast episode.  Kassandra is a multi-disciplinary artist and digital content creator and has found a way to create her brand that embraces all facets of her artistry. In this podcast...
Why Should Women Entrepreneurs Start a Podcast?

Why Should Women Entrepreneurs Start a Podcast?

The question is why should women entrepreneurs start a podcast, because running a business is hard enough!  Kelly Smith, host of The Podcast Launch Pad and co-host of the Geek Girl Soup podcast explains how a podcast boosts authority, gives the host social proof,...
How to Turn Your Customers Into Brand Fanatics

How to Turn Your Customers Into Brand Fanatics

Every brand is a story!  So how to turn your customers into brand fanatics?   Our guest expert, Michael Solomon is back to explain how to engage your customers and move them from awareness and interest in your brand to desire and action. What does it take to turn your...