Entrepreneurship has so many ups and downs, expecially for startups.  To overcome hardships in the start up phase,  leadership resilience is a core competency for founders and their team. In this podcast, Anastasia Neddersen, CEO of Whiznook Inc.talks about your resilience score being highly linked to your team’s success.

In this podcast you will discover:

  • What is resilience
  • How to cultivate resilience:
  • Planning
  • Adapting
  • Transforming

Leadership Resilience

Podcast  (audio)

Leadership Resilience

Podcast  (video)

Anastasia Neddersen Social Links

Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/neddersen/

Website:  https://whiznook.com/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ANeddersen

Anastasia Neddersen Bio

Anastasia is the CEO at Whiznook Inc., drawing from a 20 year career in biotechnology as a leader and an entrepreneur.  Writing has been a faithful companion to her endeavors, providing an outlet for her to express her authentic self.  She is an auther of several published scientific papers, the owner of multiple pantents and has written a personal blog, short stories and children’s books.  Her first published children’s book, Weirdly Awesome, she wrote in response to the interpersnal challenges she faced after founding her first company.

Realizing that most entrepreneurs lack emotional intelligence skills that greatly undermine the success of their companies, she founded Whiznook to measure and cultivate collective intelligence.  Whiznook offers fun online games that extract behavioral data in real time and promote team development using adaptive training.  The data analysis of more than 100 teams that have played these games provide Anastasia a unique viewpoint on what entrepreneurs should focus on in order to leverage their great asset – their team.

Writing for the collaborative book 8 Qualitites for Great Leadership gave Anastasia the opportunity to share some of those findings while reflecting on her current aspirations.  On her journey, she is fueled by the love of her family, PLAYing in the biggest sense of the word, and always striving for a never-fully-attainable target of personal growth.

The Fabulous Fempreneurship podcasts are brought to you by the founder of the Fabulous Fempreneurship community, and business author,  Elaine Slatter.  Elaine is the owner of  XL Consulting Group, a small business advisory company. XL Consulting specializes in all aspects of marketing, including strategy, website design, story telling for your business and social media.

Check out the brand new Amazon Best Seller “8 Qualities For Great Leadership” to up-level your leadership skills for future proofing your business.

8 Qualities For Great Leadership8 Qualities For Great Leadership is a new collaborative leadership book with 8 co-authors from 5 countries.  This book has a series of chapters that will raise your leadership to a new level. 

Chapter topics are:

Self-Leadership: Raising Your Inner Game Maximizes Your External Results – Trevor Stockwell

Emotional Intelligence Drives Leadership Success –  Kylie Van Luyn

Intentional Leadership – Kerry Wekelo

Leadership Resilience:  Individual and Collective – Anastasia Neddersen

Leading Well Virtually and With Remote Teams – Yeukai Kajidori

Improving Communication and Engagement – Elaine Slatter

Building Trust:  The Secret Sauce to Building A Valuable and Successful Business – Rick Mayo

Designing Your B2B Growth Strategy – Dancho Dimkov

Bonus Chapter:  Mastermind Groups

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