Designing your B2B growth strategy isn’t on your radar when you are a brand new startup.  You have multiple problems to solve and a structured approach to growth doesn’t usually happen!  As your business evolves and is more organized, it is time to consider how to grow.   Growth doesn’t come without planning.  In this podcast, our expert, Dancho Dimkov discusses the four pillars of structured growth.

In this podcast you will discover:

  • Strategies for growth
  • Tactics
  • Planning
  • Execution

Designing Your B2B Growth Strategy

Podcast (Audio Version)

Designing Your B2B Growth Strategy

Podcast (Video Version)

Dancho Dimkov Social Links




Dancho Dimkov Bio

Dancho Dimkov MSc Executive MBA CMgr CMC is a B2B outreach consultant, serial entrepreneur and dedicated growth enthusiast. He is on a mission to help SMEs grow while taking into consideration their limited budgets.

At just 22, he was awarded ‘Global Innovator for 2009’. This award paved the way to speaking engagements at major events in different parts of the world, from Finland and India to Brazil and beyond. He is the Founder of BizzBee Solutions and author of the Amazon-bestselling book “Sweet Leads”.

The Fabulous Fempreneurship podcasts are brought to you by the founder of the Fabulous Fempreneurship community, and business author,  Elaine Slatter.  Elaine is the owner of  XL Consulting Group, a small business advisory company. XL Consulting specializes in all aspects of marketing, including strategy, website design, story telling for your business and social media.

Check out the brand new Amazon Best Seller “8 Qualities For Great Leadership” to up-level your leadership skills for future proofing your business.

8 Qualities For Great Leadership8 Qualities For Great Leadership is a new collaborative leadership book with 8 co-authors from 5 countries.  This book has a series of chapters that will raise your leadership to a new level. 

Chapter topics are:

Self-Leadership: Raising Your Inner Game Maximizes Your External Results – Trevor Stockwell

Emotional Intelligence Drives Leadership Success –  Kylie Van Luyn

Intentional Leadership – Kerry Wekelo

Leadership Resilience:  Individual and Collective – Anastasia Neddersen

Leading Well Virtually and With Remote Teams – Yeukai Kajidori

Improving Communication and Engagement – Elaine Slatter

Building Trust:  The Secret Sauce to Building A Valuable and Successful Business – Rick Mayo

Designing Your B2B Growth Strategy – Dancho Dimkov

Bonus Chapter:  Mastermind Groups

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The Power of Intentional Leadership

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Balancing Life While Growing Your Business Sustainably

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Self Leadership: Raising Your Inner Game Maximizes Your External Results