The Art of Compassionate Business

The Art of Compassionate Business

Businesses are experiencing difficulty hiring employees, especially in the service sectors.   Employees are looking to be recognized and today the art of compassionate business becomes an important consideration.  Generosity, compassion and gratitude are all factors...
Owning Your Voice

Owning Your Voice

Owning your voice both figuratively and physically is the topic of this podcast with guest expert, Galit Ventura-Rozen.  Galit is a well known speaker appearing on ABC, NBC and Fox, but she literally lost her voice when she was young when she had a nodule on her...
How Female Entrepreneurs Can Succeed With Male Stakeholders

How Female Entrepreneurs Can Succeed With Male Stakeholders

How female entrepreneurs can succeed is the topic of this fabulous podcast with Dr. James Richardson.  We all know we cannot travel the entrepreneurship road solo if we want to succeed.  Dr. James explores whether it’s best for female entrepreneurs to seek out...