Taryn Watts explains in this podcast how to connect with yourself first and do the necessary inner work before being able to help clients.  Through the Mind Rebel Academy method, Taryn invites people to break out of subconscious imposter syndrome to a higher level.

In this podcast you will discover:

  1. Taryn’s story of how she built the Mind Rebel Academy?
  2. Building a Soul-led business
  3. What is one piece of business advice Taryn would give to others?
  4. In Taryn’s opinion, what do you think it takes to become a successful entrepreneur?
  5. What habits have played a role in Taryn’s success?
  6. When it comes to getting yourself out there and generating leads, how has Taryn managed to grow her business?

How to Connect With Yourself First Before Being Able to Help Clients


Taryn Watts Social Links

Taryn Watts Bio

Taryn Watts, a Master Certified Coach and Founder of the Mind Rebel™ Academy, trains and supports world-class coaches around the globe, helping them to step into their life’s work. She is the creator of the revolutionary Mind Rebel™ Method, a simple yet powerful self-discovery framework that is transforming the way people coach, lead, and connect internationally.

With Taryn, coaching isn’t about giving advice; it’s about helping others find their deepest truth within themselves. Through her method, she invites people to break out of subconscious imposter syndrome by bringing awareness and healing to the rebel mind, providing the path to confidently step into their dreams and goals with purpose.

After over a decade of coaching experience, she is now training coaches to the highest standard in the industry, reinstating integrity and credibility into the profession. She inspires her students and alumni to use their coaching skills to impact those they love and serve, creating a ripple effect that will be felt for generations to come.

With philanthropic themes interwoven throughout her work, including expanding accessibility of the coaching industry to marginalized groups and instating Coaching with a Cause where coaches provide a one-hour coaching session in exchange for a donation to the client’s charity of choice, Taryn’s work is heart and soul-centered.

Taryn holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and is trained as a Master Certified Coach accredited by the ICF, winning the Top Life Coach in Faces Magazine in 2019. She’s an empire builder and a homemaker, married with two young children, and deeply rooted in family priorities. Although Taryn leads a busy life, she makes time to read, cook, journal, practice yoga, and connect with soul sisters.

The Fabulous Fempreneurship podcasts are brought to you by the founder of the Fabulous Fempreneurship community, and business author,  Elaine Slatter.  Elaine is the owner of  XL Consulting Group, a small business advisory company. XL Consulting specializes in all aspects of marketing, including strategy, website design, story telling for your business and social media.

Fabulous Fempreneurship bookAre you just starting a business?   Then check out our great book Fabulous Fempreneurship. This is a complete business startup guide. Everything you need to know to get your business up and running!

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