Explaining A Sensitive Entrepreneur

Not everyone wants to build their business that is heavily based on making connections through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.  Our guest, Jennifer Sherwood, shares why she is growing her business through one on one connections of like-minded people.  Jennifer coaches entrepreneurs on how to succeed in the non-social media world. You have to be authentic you.  Jennifer explains how to start out successfully as a sensitive entrepreneur by following her journey.

Jennifer Sherwood Bio

Jennifer Sherwood has been doing her own personal work and supporting others in their healing, growth, and transformation for over 20 years.

She has worked as a teacher, a social worker and counsellor, and as an Energy Yoga and Brain Education instructor.

As an Energy & Life Coach, she specializes in working with sensitive, committed women who struggle with fear, frustration, and uncertainty but desire to find a way that works for them, so they can be out in the world contributing their gifts.

Through a unique energy and life coaching process, she supports them to understand and appreciate themselves and their experiences, to trust their Inner Guidance, and to make choices and take action that serves their greater purpose.

As a result, they feel more confident, clear, and connected to themselves and others; show up more fully, and enjoy their lives and work more.

Special Offer

An invitation for those who resonate with what I share and are interested in getting support to make the changes they desire to have a private 1:1 complimentary Clarity Call with me on how to start out successfully as a sensitive entrepreneur   Connect with Jennifer at jenniferlsherwood@gmail.com


The Fabulous Fempreneurship podcasts are brought to you by the founder of the Fabulous Fempreneurship community, Elaine Slatter.  Elaine is the owner of  XL Consulting Group, a small business advisory company, specializing in all aspects of marketing, including strategy, website design, and social media.

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