Marketing Made Simple

Carla Williams Johnson, a marketing and media consultant, takes the mystery out of marketing.  In this podcast, Carla guides entrepreneurs through the foundation of marketing.  Understanding the marketing basics will help you with the strategy for developing the right connections both online and offline.

Carla’s number one marketing key.   Who Are You Trying To Connect With?   Once you determine through market research who your target is and what they are interested in, then you have the foundation of how to develop a marketing strategy to target the right message to the right people in the right way!


Social Media Links

Facebook:   carlicommunications

Instagram: carlicommunications

Twitter:        carlicomm

Special Offer

Crushing it with Carli Masterclass Series

The perfect foundation program for persons who are starting out in business


60 min One on One Strategic Marketing Coaching session.  We focus specifically on your business and I give you specific, actionable steps that you can take to build your brand.

VALUE: $197

MASTERCLASS SERIES BONUS – any of the courses –

60min Group Strategic Marketing Coaching session

We go through your business and we work though what tactics are best for your business as well as answer any burning questions you may have.


Offer valid to July 24, 2018 only for more info

Carla Williams Johnson Bio

CARLA WILLIAMS JOHNSON is a Media Marketing Specialist based in Trinidad & Tobago. Her 13+ years of experience in creating innovative advertising campaigns, developing creative media executions and advising global, regional and international corporations on where to adequately invest their funds to ensure significant returns, has produced millions of dollars in revenue for companies like Caribbean Bottlers, Unilever, Moo! Milk, Angostura, and other innovative start-ups.

She is also a passionate writer having contributed pieces to The Catholic News, Youth Voices Trinidad & Tobago, ET&T Magazine and Abstract Magazine.  In 2014, she started a blog, which she has since renamed ‘Carli Speaks’ on her website, where she offers advertising and marketing advice to entrepreneurs and business owners who are interested in promoting themselves in the real world focusing mainly on methods to identify ideal clients, online and offline approaches to boosting visibility and the creation of marketing campaigns designed to increase revenue.  Her philosophy is to help you M.A.P out your business  through (M)arketing, (A)dvertising and (P)romotion in order to A.M.P up your business  through (A)ction, (M)otivation, (P)rogress.


The Fabulous Fempreneurship podcasts are brought to you by the founder of the Fabulous Fempreneurship community, Elaine Slatter.  Elaine is the owner of  XL Consulting Group, a small business advisory company, specializing in all aspects of marketing, including strategy, website design, and social media.

To view all our podcasts for women entrepreneurs, click here